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The very software that runs this blog.

The most used commands (my cheat sheet)

New entries #

The command that created this page was:

hugo new tools/hugo.md

Watching the new content #

hugo server -D

hugo starts and compiles all pages, then waits for changes. The flag ‘-D’ allows for draft contents.

Publishing new content #

Actually, I have a shell script that contains a few commands.

rm public -fr
hugo --minify
rsync -rvt --del public/* mefju7.priv.no@ssh.mefju7.priv.no:/www/blog
  • Line 1 removes the current public folder, which might contain obsolete pages.
  • Line 2 creates the content and also tells hugo to create minimal content.
  • Line 3 syncs the content to my provider. The options for rsync ensure that obsolete content is deleted, while all other is copied over.