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a list of software I am using at work

This is an overview and a guide for the software. This combination worked quite well for me.

Initial setup #

  • clear out an USB-harddisk at another device and format it
  • Enable bitlocker - protect your privacy at all costs, save key on USB-disk
  • create a restore point
  • enable internet
  • set system language
  • update the system

Initial software #

Assuming a clean system, we need a web-browser for download.

  • Firefox in start menu, go to file location and change the shortcut to include “-P” as an option.
  • Enable bitlocker - protect your privacy at all costs
  • create a default folder for programs that needs to be in the PATH

Editors #

  • gvim - for more complex editing jobs, vim is superior
  • VSCodium - it is the free version of Visual Studio Code
  • VS Code - visual studio code. Note, this one is calling home! Turn off telemetry in “File -> Preferences -> Telemetry Settings” - set it to “off”.

Tools #

Social networks #

Languages and IDE’s #

Time keeping #

Timewatch is a software of mine, which takes care of the lunch break. The work day is 8 hours long, but 30 minutes are set aside for lunch and those must be allocated to the different projects during the day. Basically, it means that for each 15 seconds of project works, 16 seconds are accounted on a project.

Tricks #

The openssh key needs to be added to other stations, so SSH can work. The necessary keys can be shared with:

python -m http.server